天上面有好多好多星星 上面正係住著一個小王子

sicily love

life is like a gift box from god.

sometimes beyond your expectation,sometimes makes you disappointed.because people has expectation.... has wish.

it's good to have wishes,best wishes,for ourselves,for others.

I have a lot of wishes.I want to live by the sea, I want to have a nice house with beautiful view,I want dogs,I want my parents happly,I want to meet my mr. right/ I want a lot of things.Is this desire?YES!For me,life is beautiful even though I get sad sometimes.And I know, shouldn't be too demaned and also we need to give things to others.Especially people who love you!

sicilia是一个好美好美的地方,the beautiful memory we had there is unforgettable... hill,sea, trees, sun, wind, clouds, sea food, stone houses,stone road,房东做的牛排和带有海腥味的satin鱼面包,还有那个有feel到不行的小镇,那是西西里。回程的路上我们去买了arrancino,我先从店里走了出来在店外抽跟烟,那一幕好像自己是电影里的女主角,戴着黑色rayban墨镜,在意大利的最南部公路边的street food res 外抽着烟,身边呼啸而来几辆摩托车,戴着黑色墨镜的几个man气十足的意大利男人/身边有也在抽烟的女人,有开着私家车带着宝宝和小孩的一家人/这个公路边的res变成了一部意大利电影的真实场景。房东说他正在戒烟,拖朋友在新西兰买了会导致自杀的戒烟药,因为过去他一日可以抽上40跟烟。在那样的岛屿生活,那样的美,那样的浪漫,怎能不一日抽上几十根烟。。。。在那个公路餐厅外时,一跟香烟又怎么少得了。

sicily,自由之岛。i love there--palermo!在那的几日,房东是我们de天使,wyn是我de天使。Grazie。。。。想念那个天台,想念从那个天台看到的一切,感动到不行。爱,自由,真诚,海洋,,,,我所爱的一切都在那了。I will bring my dear parents there,they will fall in love with that place also.这座城,像极了我童年记忆里的城市和生活方式。房东天台上的那些椰子树和秋千,是小时候的记忆/远方的海,是前世的记忆/连绵的山,是家乡的记忆/房东的welcome,是人情的记忆。。。。

palermo sicily,第一个旅行之地 在离开时尽然想哭 那样不想离开的 地方。

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